
late honey Learn more about late honey

  • Are you still drinking honey? Don't blame me for being late. Tell your family quickly.

    Are you still drinking honey? Don't blame me for being late. Tell your family quickly.

    Her name is Park Weihua, who has lived at the foot of Changbai Mountain since childhood and returned to her hometown for beekeeping after graduating from university. Now everyone calls her "Bee Flower" to play a warm reminder: Weihua will update her knowledge about local honey in the circle of friends every day.

  • When will Qingzhou peach ripen

    When will Qingzhou peach ripen

    Qingzhou peach ripens from late September to early October. It mainly has three varieties: Qingzhong honey, Qingshuang honey and winter snow honey. Qingzhong honey matured in late September, Qingshuang honey matured in early October, and winter snow honey matured in early November. Among them, Dongxue honey is passed from Qingzhou peach.

    2020-11-09 Qingzhou peach when mature in September
  • Are you still drinking honey? Don't blame me for being late. Tell your family quickly.

    Are you still drinking honey? Don't blame me for being late. Tell your family quickly.

    The unknown secret honey behind honey is a natural product given to human beings by nature. it has multiple functions such as beauty, promoting longevity, promoting children's growth and development, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, improving immunity and so on.

  • Planting technique of Red Heart Honey Pomelo

    Planting technique of Red Heart Honey Pomelo

    Red heart honey pomelo is a kind of pomelo, good red heart honey pomelo is sweet and delicious, but also rich in a variety of vitamins, so what is the planting technology of red heart honey pomelo? 1. The growth habit of Hongxin honey pomelo is the fruit tree research institute of Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

    2020-11-08 Hearts honey pomelo planting technology hearts pomelo yes grapefruit
  • Cold Dew honey peach ripening time

    Cold Dew honey peach ripening time

    Cold Dew honey peach is one of the three late ripening peach varieties in Shandong. The fruit ripening period is between Feicheng Yangtao peach and Qingzhou honey peach. So, when is the maturity of Cold Dew honey? Cold Dew honey peaches generally ripen in mid-late September, from

    2020-11-08 Cold Dew honey peach maturity time yes Shandong
  • In autumn, we use the late flowering sperm tube colony to prepare for winter

    In autumn, we use the late flowering sperm tube colony to prepare for winter

    In autumn, we use the late flowering sperm tube colony to prepare for winter

  • Late autumn hundred flowers fall beekeeping overwintering busy late autumn beekeeping points for attention

    Late autumn hundred flowers fall beekeeping overwintering busy late autumn beekeeping points for attention

    Late autumn hundred flowers fall beekeeping overwintering busy late autumn beekeeping points for attention

  • Management of breeding bees in late autumn

    Management of breeding bees in late autumn

    Experienced bee farmers always regard late autumn management as the beginning of a year of beekeeping. The main task of late autumn management is to lay the foundation for bee colony overwintering and early spring reproduction in the coming year, so that there are more young bees, strong population potential, sufficient food and less diseases. The management focuses on the following tasks

    2020-11-08 Breeding bees late autumn management experienced bee farmers general
  • Dongxue Honey Peach, a New Precious Variety of very late ripening Peach

    Dongxue Honey Peach, a New Precious Variety of very late ripening Peach

    Dongxue honey peach is a precious new variety of very late ripening peach selected from Qingzhou honey peach in 1986. It has been widely concerned and welcomed by many fruit tree experts and fruit farmers because of its unique advantages. At present, this peach is a valuable variety resource with the latest maturity, the strongest storability and the best quality in late-maturing peach in China, and has broad development prospects. First, the mature period is very late. Ripe in the first and middle of November, that is, between the Beginning of Winter and Lesser Snow, the fruit can withstand slight frost, as long as it does not have frost damage, it can always hang high branches and never rot.

  • Dongxue Honey Peach, a New Precious Variety of very late ripening Peach

    Dongxue Honey Peach, a New Precious Variety of very late ripening Peach

    Dongxue honey peach is a precious new variety of very late ripening peach selected from Qingzhou honey peach in 1986. It has been widely concerned and welcomed by many fruit tree experts and fruit farmers because of its unique advantages. It is agreed that this peach is a valuable variety resource with the latest maturity, the strongest storage tolerance and the best quality among the late-maturing peaches in China (the situation abroad has not been examined in detail), and has a broad development prospect. This variety has passed the provincial variety approval and has been awarded the gold medal of the 14th Weifang International Kite Club Agricultural and sideline products Exposition and the third Macao Eddie in'96.

  • Must know! Five High-efficiency cultivation techniques of late Honey Peach

    Must know! Five High-efficiency cultivation techniques of late Honey Peach

    As a late-maturing peach variety, honey peach has filled the defects of few domestic late-maturing varieties with the characteristics of high sweetness, bright color, late ripening, large size, storage tolerance and high yield, which meets the urgent needs of the current market. Next, let's take a look at the five high efficiency of evening peaches.

    2020-11-09 Must know late honey peach big efficient cultivation techniques key points
  • Two large fruit type low season apricots--very early giant apricot and late fragrant honey apricot

    Two large fruit type low season apricots--very early giant apricot and late fragrant honey apricot

    Tezaoju apricot is a very early maturing and large fruit apricot variety. Its fruit is not only twice as big as Jintaiyang, but also early 3-5 days. It has strong disease resistance and high yield. Wanxiangmi apricot is a rare late maturing, large fruit type, strong flavor apricot variety in China, which has high economic value and broad development prospects. 1. Very early giant apricots. American variety having dwarfed trees, open branches, large, heart-shaped leaves, and large round fruits averaging 120 grams and reaching 180 grams

  • Cold Dew got up in the morning from the cold. Don't just drink boiled water so that the whole family is healthy and doesn't get sick.

    Cold Dew got up in the morning from the cold. Don't just drink boiled water so that the whole family is healthy and doesn't get sick.

    After Cold Dew, Yang Qi gradually recedes, Yin Qi gradually grows, and the physiological activities of the human body also have to adapt to the changes of Yin and Yang in nature. Everyone knows that it is necessary to make up in autumn, so how to make up correctly in the late autumn season? Get up early in the morning, some people are used to drinking a glass of white.

  • How to manage honey peach trees in autumn?

    How to manage honey peach trees in autumn?

    How to manage honey peach trees in autumn? Please introduce the management methods of honey peach trees in autumn, which mainly include pruning, pest control and water and fertilizer management in autumn. The following detailed operation methods are introduced for reference: first, timely pruning peach has a high altitude and strong light, forming a special light-loving feature of peaches.

  • China's top four honey rankings

    China's top four honey rankings

    Honey is our common health food, favored by many consumers, rich in nutrition, can improve immunity, promote digestion, beauty and other effects. Due to the different honeybee species and honey sources, there are many kinds of honey. The following editor will introduce you.

    2020-11-27 China big four honey ranking yes we common
  • When is usually the best time to drink honey water? What are the correct ways to drink?

    When is usually the best time to drink honey water? What are the correct ways to drink?

    Honey, which is common in our daily life, is also called honey, white honey, honey, hundred flowers essence and so on in some areas. it is a common sugar in many families, and it is best to soak in water. When is it best to drink honey water? What are the correct ways to drink? I. what is usually?

    2020-11-11 Usually when drink honey water is the best good correct
  • Is honey alkaline or acidic food?

    Is honey alkaline or acidic food?

    Is honey alkaline or acidic food?

  • Control of Red Meat Honey Pomelo Red Spider

    Control of Red Meat Honey Pomelo Red Spider

    Spring is the early stage of red flesh honey pomelo hair root, evergreen shoot, long flower ear, blossom and young fruit. in this period, such as disease and insect damage, lack of fertilizer and drought have a direct impact on the strong shoot, strong flower and fruit setting rate of pomelo, and it is the key period to increase the yield of the same year. All kinds of spring tube technical measures must be taken timely in order to promote the strong tip.

  • High yield planting technology of honey peach!

    High yield planting technology of honey peach!

    Peach is a deciduous small tree plant belonging to the peach genus of Rosaceae. Its cultivation value is very high. In recent years, the planting area of nectarine has increased. Flat peach has also become popular in the market. Ornamental peach is unique. Here is an introduction to the high-yield planting technology of peach!

    2020-11-09 peach high yield planting technique rose
  • Key points of cultivation of Frost Red Honey Peach

    Key points of cultivation of Frost Red Honey Peach

    Frost red peach has the characteristics of high germination rate and strong branching ability, with long fruit branches accounting for 75.6%, medium fruit branches accounting for 18.5%, and short fruit branches accounting for 5.9%. The fruit setting rate of self-pollination was 30.5%, and there was no physiological fruit drop. The fruiting rate of grafted seedlings reached 100% in the second year, with an average yield of 24.8 kg, and the highest yield in the fourth year was 52.5 kg. Shuanghong honey has strong adaptability, can get a bumper harvest in the mountains and thin land, and shows strong salt resistance. The main points of cultivation techniques of Frost Honey are introduced as follows. First, the density of the garden
